Costing without routings is hard work – and invalid

08 Oct 2018

In GUAVASOFT work center hourly rates for labor and overhead are applied to routing cycle times to calculate labor and overhead costs.  Without work centers and routings there is no viable method for calculating these costs.  Workaround methods such as using components for labor and overhead are much harder work ...


Running the shop by expediting is hard work – and counter-productive

07 Oct 2018

In GUAVASOFT work centers and routings enable you to schedule work centers by job priority so that all jobs meet their required dates.  Without work center scheduling, job expediting is used to meet required dates, which is highly inefficient because it favors one job at a time, but at the ...


Scheduling jobs on your own is hard work – and inefficient

06 Oct 2018

Manufacturing is a set of time-phased activities.  Routings enable jobs with start and finish dates to be used instead of static assembly builds.  GUAVASOFT schedules jobs for you within a coordinated master schedule where jobs are performed in the correct order of assembly. Jobs are automatically rescheduled when released to ...


Making products from memory is hard work – and costly

06 Oct 2018

In Guavasoft routings and work centers define your manufacturing processes and provide the information for job travelers that are used for worker reference out on the shop floor.  When workers operate without this information, they are relying on memory and can easily make costly mistakes.


Work centers and routings make it easier

05 Oct 2018

Guavasoft is a demand driven manufacturing system whereby production is based on actual demand from customer orders.  Work centers and routings are standard features because they define manufacturing processes and are essential for managing shop activities. Operating only with BOMs and assembly builds is hard work.  Let’s examine why this is ...


Manufacturing on your own is hard work

04 Oct 2018

If your software does not include work centers and routings, you are manufacturing on your own without any active guidance.  Products get out the door, but it’s very hard work when you are left to your own devices.